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Understanding the Science Behind Logo Design

Logos can make or break your company, and it is important to have a logo that is unique, memorable, and stands out as being yours when you begin. It is important to therefore hire a web design agency in Northampton like One to One Design to help your brand grow with a brilliant logo. They are one of the best logo designing services in Northampton, UK, and they offer a variety of other services too.


The Science Behind Logo Design

It is important first to understand that descriptive logos contain text and visuals or one of the components to be able to communicate the service or the product that the brand is offering its customers. Burger King, for example, does this, while their direct competitor McDonald’s doesn’t do this in the logo form. However, the one that is popular is the latter, but it just may be an exception that we can address as the article progresses.


Studies have shown that consumers can process the description logos more easily as compared to any other. This is because such brands appear more authentic and impact the consumers’ evaluation of the brand more favourably. They also boost the net sales of the brand while strongly increasing the willingness of the customers to buy from that brand.


Research was done into consumer brands to analyse the financial impact of these logos. They looked into total assets, advertising and R&D spend, net sales and other such aspects to code where successful logos fall into the design characteristics like colour, symmetry shape and where or not they were descriptive.


They were able to explore the effects of descriptive logos on net sales with the logo design characteristics, and financial details are control variables. The result was that a descriptive logo is more effective than non-descriptive logos. Such logos are also associated with a higher willingness in customers to buy the product or service.


There are still significant differences between brands, including whether or not they are well-known. But a descriptive logo had a positive effect on the brand equity of both unfamiliar as well as familiar brands. The magnitude of this effect was, however, a lot smaller on familiar brands. It is important to understand that consistency and familiarity are fundamental.


The other thing to keep in mind is that descriptive logos can end up having a negative effect on certain brands that offer services that are essential but unpleasant, like palm oil, funeral homes, and insect repellants.


If you’re thinking of modifying a logo or creating a new one, we suggest that you have at least one visual design and/or textual element that indicates what sort of service or product it is that your company or brand is offering to the customers.


It is therefore important to get a descriptive logo. You may want to change it in cases like when Dunkin Donuts wanted to be known as more than just a donut company as they started offering more products.


But note that this is not necessarily a fail-proof approach seeing companies like Nike, McDonald’s, Starbucks, etc., that are insanely famous, but their logos are not indicative of what they are selling. What was made there was a culture and high quality that is seen in the products and the customer service that they offer.


At the end of the day, the key thing to take away is that descriptive logos are important, and if you’re starting out as a business, it is worth looking into.



As mentioned, we recommend One to One Design, one of the best logo designing services in Northampton, UK, to help you with your logo and to make your business boom. This particular web design agency in Northampton is well-known in this field, and they offer the highest quality services for the most affordable prices, making them very accessible.